The Brewers

The Brewers
est. July 12, 2007

Sunday, July 3, 2011

So Cute

The boys love helping Grandpa fix things!

Baby Update

For all of you who don't know Garen and I are having another baby... it was a huge surprise but such a blessing after what we went through to get our Tyler here! I am about 20 weeks ( or 5 months) and we recently found out that we are having a GIRL!! I have a C- section scheduled for November. The ultrasound tech said that she was a healthy baby. We are thinking of a couple names but so far Zoey is in the lead. Tyler will be such a good big brother!

More Pictures

Tyler and Cousin Mackenzie

Tyler Update

Tyler is growing so fast. He is 8 months now! He loves to eat baby food but does not care for his bottle. If we do not feed him fast enough he lets us know it with a BIG scream! His favorite foods are his oatmeal, apple and cherry mix, and his fruit yogurts. He has been rolling over for a couple months now and is working on crawling. He should be crawling any day now. However, he is more interested in trying to walk. He pulls himself up to things. He watches his cousin Garrett run and play and he wants to play with him so bad!! His vocabulary consists of Hey, Dad, Mom, and Mandy. He is such a good boy! Grandpa and Grandma both babysit while I am at work and he gets a huge smile on his face as soon as they walk in. He also loves ice cream! He has not needed his reflux medicine for a couple months now and seems to be handling it well. He loves to play (especially with Nate and Mac) He loves giving slobbery kisses and hugs. When I rock him to sleep he takes his binky out and tries to share with me! (so cute) He also loves the Charmin toilet paper commercial.... not sure why but he will stop what he is doing to watch the bears! We love him so so much!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Well.. It is six in the morning and while I am listening to everyone hit the snooze on their alarms I am sitting here... not able to sleep. I have quietly cleaned the house, showered, and finished our laundry. Since I have everything done and a sleeping baby I figured this would be a good time to catch up. Tyler was blessed last Sunday. Garen was a little nervous about giving the blessing but he did a great job. When me and Tyler went to church on Sunday I had a lot of people come up to me and comment about all the family we were able to have come. I am so grateful for my big family and their willingness to come and support my new little family.

Tyler is 8 weeks old today and getting so big. He was having stomach problems so the doc put him on a new formula and had me get some different bottles and the combination really did the trick. He is such a happy baby, and is getting quite the personality. He has the cutest smile!

We have been busy getting ready for Christmas, and even though Tyler wont realize what is going on I kind of went a little crazy shopping for him... it was just too fun! It was fun shopping for Garen as well. In the three and a half years that we have been married I have never had any gift be a surprise.. (for those of you who know me well you know its because I just can't help but tell!! The excitement is just too much.. haha) I am pleased to announce that this year he is going to be surprised!! (That is if everything goes as planned and it gets here before Christmas.)

I have many pictures to post but Garen is one of those people who are hitting the snooze and because I am not technically savvy I will have to wait for a time that he can help me upload pictures.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Growing Fast!

I love his eyes!!!
this is his way of telling us NO MORE PICTURES!!

Loves being in Mommy's arms.

Man... time sure does fly. I can't believe that our baby is already over a month old... five weeks and 3 days to be exact. He now weighs 10 pounds, makes noises, and loves to look at lights. He used to scream every time we got him in the bath but he is liking it more everyday. Its amazing how life has changed so much. Its funny how my hair can be a mess, I can be covered in spit up and pee and still be in my pjs and be so happy. He has reflux so he has his cranky times but we feel so blessed that he is here and healthy that all those sleepless nights don't bother us a bit. We are loving our little Tyler!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tyler is HERE!

Thursday October 21 was the Day!! I went to the doctor for my weekly appointment and he sent me right up to labor and delivery. They started the medication to induce labor, broke my water, and started monitoring me when they noticed that Tyler's heart rate was dropping when I was contracting. They tried to change my position, pump me back full of water, and stop the medication but nothing was working. The nurse and doctor came in to inform me that I needed a C-section so that they could get baby out fast. They brought Garen in scrubs and a mask and unplugged me from everything and we were off. About twenty minutes later Tyler was out. He weighed 6 lbs and 15 ounces and was PERFECT! Tyler had his cord wrapped around his arm and I was informed later that my placenta had started to die so it was a good thing that they got Tyler out when they did. Both me and Tyler are doing fine. He is eating good and I just love when he is awake and looking at me! Life couldn't be better.